Friday, October 10, 2008

Fish Face

This week she not only has figured out how to suck in those little cheeks of hers, but now waves hello/good-bye, plays pat-a-cake, and can climb the stairs (with supervision of course!). Thank goodness it's FRIDAY! Despite all the battles of sleep this week, Erik was able to get his first of many A's on a Grad level test - way to go Daddy!
I've started to get extremely excited for the holidays. It seems like this time of year always flies by. Before I know it we'll be in Salt Lake celebrating Darla's 1st birthday! Crazy. I believe Darla is going to be an Indian for Halloween (thanks to Afton for her costume). Erik and I are glad to have a little someone to tote around so we can get some candy - yum. Strolling down the isles at Target the other day I was tempted by the oodles of candy displayed but then I looked in my cart at Darla and realized I get to go Trick-or-Treating this year! I guess one way to stay young is to have children, right?


Liz said...

How fabulous that you got that photo!!!! IF we can still a hug from you when you come to town, let us know! And just a reminder when you're shopping for Halloween candy: don't forget the Play Do! :)

brenley said...

yay for halloween! can't wait to eat all of jorgen's candy! maybe i'll give him one or two pieces though:)