Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ugly Enough?

Here are the pictures from the Ugly Christmas Sweater party. 
Lovely aren't they? 
It was a wonderful time! 


Liz said...

Lovely probably isn't sufficient. And those pants...Wow. Is that John Travolta's cousin standing next to you, Erik? The babies take the cake. Merry Christmas!

Rachel said...

After seeing these pictures, I think we should call it quits. Merry Christmas!

Mindy Williams said...

That just made my night. Freaking hilarious, I wish I could see them better. And then at the end, I wish my girls were there in their red coats too. They would be a sight. Stinking hilarious, is that Sean in the one piece pjs?

brenley said...

definitely ugly!!! what a pair!