Monday, March 3, 2008


Darla had her first real roadtrip this past weekend. We headed up to Rexburg to see my brother Jim and his family. She was unbelieveable. We left Friday after she had gotten 3 shots at the Doctor (which was quite the tramatic experience for both her and I). She slept pretty much the whole way to and from Rexburg. It was great to be with Jim and Debbie and to see their amazing little boys. On Saturday Erik was able to go up to Hebgen and snowmobile. I was jealous and missed out on that crisp air, perfect snow, and endless solitude. There's nothing like Hebgen in the winter. We had a great was nice to get away for a moment.


brenley said...

so i'm obsessed with darla's cute face! she is darling! i'm glad she did so well on your roadtrip - sounds like it was so fun! i hope it prepared you for your roadtrip to sunny cal!:D you have the cutest little family!! miss you to death! does darla look like her cousin nora? i only saw nora once but it seems like they both have those wonderful richard looks:D

Mindy Williams said...

Um, so did you cut your hair short already? I thought you waited until the 2nd kid to cut the hair! Or is it just the angle? Either way, Darla looks so much older already. I can hardly wait to meet her and to be bringing a new cousin when we do! Congrats on Erik's school news too! Love you guys