Thursday, January 29, 2015

time is running

Really?! It has been a month since my last post. That month went by so fast. The holidays ended, and real life picked up quickly. Erik has applied to two jobs for fall - BYU and SLU (St Louis University). I have no idea when we will know about either of them. I do know that I am so grateful to be married to a man who loves what he does, who is loved by those that work with him, and loves his family more than his work :). Erik is incredible.
Tate has a heart procedure on February 4th. We are hopeful that it will all be ok. They are performing a cardiac catheterization to get a better look at his heart. At his appointment in November the pressure in the right side of his heart was higher than it should be. Thus the decision to go in through his groin up to his heart to know for sure what is happening. Erik and I felt strongly about double checking with our previous cardiologist in MN (Dr Dummer WHO I LOVE). She said that she agreed with going forward with the procedure. Tate is a brave boy. He teaches me a great deal.
Darla is in a Project Plus Group at school - an advanced learning group. She meets with them Wednesday mornings and LOVES it. Her mind is beyond my own. I have no question about that.
Bennett seems more confident these days - happy to go off to preschool, happy to have playdates. I think he has settled in to the life and routine here. I feel like it has taken him the longest out of all of us. You should have seen Bennett and Lucille cuddling on the couch tonight. They are so good for each other.
Lucille is walking, adores looking at/singing to books, snacking/eating, giggling. HAPPIEST BABY ON THE PLANET.
I am doing well - much better than a couple weeks ago when I fell running down my stairs and really really hurt my tailbone. That was one of the most painful things. So I have been hobbling around, and just the past week have noticed that I can sit pretty much normally without any pain. Annoying is what it is. Wish I could be running - the weather here is so mild. Every time I walk outside I cannot believe that it is January. Feels like spring in Minnesota to me.
I love the family that surrounds me every day. Love, love, love them. Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I adore the photo of you and Erik surrounded by your children. So sorry about your tail bone! Hope it is healed now. :) We're sure praying for you to be headed to BYU, but I know you will spread sunshine through your smile, love, and beautiful examples wherever you go.