Monday, December 29, 2014

Provided for

The past month has been full of humbling moments. Moments where I knew Heavenly Father was watching over us. Providing for us, and guiding us along. These moments weren't anything HUGE, but were blessings that strengthened my testimony that He is ever mindful of my family.
I love Christmas. I loved watching Darla so thrilled when we were setting up the Christmas tree. I loved it when one of my kids would say, "Turn on some Christmas music Mom!" I loved hearing Bennett say that his favorite gift of Christmas was Jesus. I loved listening to Tate learn how to sing the "Merry Christmas song" (We Wish You A Merry Christmas) and Jingle Bells. I loved celebrating Lucille's 1st birthday and realizing that with the growth of each child just comes more and more love for them. I love Lucille. But I think that my favorite moment was looking across the pew at church yesterday (Darla's Birthday) and catching eyes with Erik - both of us full of tears as we were touched by the Spirit of the whole season, of each moment all coming together to bring us closer to Jesus Christ. The Savior of the World.


Liz said...

Your children are as cute as they come. Darla! So grown up!

Jaci said...

Jenny-- I always love reading your insight on motherhood as well as your testimony. You are truly amazing.