Monday, June 21, 2010

"why are you growing up?"

That is frequent question around our house - "Why are you growing up?" Darla is most definitely 2 and 1/2. Emotions (happy and sad) are flying around our house. She is amazing and I love how well she communicates - it is so helpful in moments of tears.  The other day I said, "Darla you are so cute and dainty." That night when saying her bedtime prayers, she said, "Heavenly Father, thank you that I am dainty." I love it. Bennett is starting to realize that sitting is boring. He's not quite crawling, but is determined to figure it out. Erik celebrated another Father's day - this time with two beautiful children to claim. What a great dad he is! Truly he is incredible. But being the dad or the mom will certainly remind you that you are growing up. Hopefully as we grow, we will all become.


Kim and Steve said...

She is SO grown up. Bennett too. It goes by so fast! Jane turns two next week. I can't believe it! I love her sayings too. So fun to remember them!

Tiff said...

I see so much of YOU in your kidlets, Jen. So precious.

Liz said...

Lane glanced from across the room and asked, "Whose blog is that?" Then he looked at the photos: "Man, she looks like Jenny. What was I thinking?!" Your children are as adorable as children can be. Love those sidebar quotes!!!!
Love you, miss you!

Jane Durham said...

That first picture of Darla kills me!! So cute.

April said...

They are so sweet, I love "thank you that I am dainty!" so cute! And Bennet, he is getting so big :) you have adorable children