Friday, December 18, 2009


I love the month of December. My whole life it has been full of birthdays, holidays, family, friends, vacation, delicious food/treats, music, and celebration. Darla and I celebrated our birthdays together by going on a little Mommy-Darla date. We were lucky enough to go see Disney on Ice. She didn't move for two hours straight. She'd never beheld anything like that in her whole life. What a wonderful adventure to share together. On my birthday I woke up to Darla saying "Mommy, there's a happy birthday for you downstairs mom!" We walked down the stairs and she ran over to the kitchen table where there were a few wrapped presents, "Open them for you mom? Yeah? Sure?" She was so excited. I felt VERY celebrated. But I do have to say this is the first birthday that I have ever thought twice about my age. 26 has made me feel like I am actually getting older. Or may be it's the fact that I am a mother of two children? Who knows? I love my little family.
This week I had the energy to throw together some Christmas Sugar Cookies. Darla was a great help and LOVED that she could eat the dough (in comparison to Play-Doh, yuck).  She also thought it was pretty neat that she was making her own little gingerbread man. This Tuesday we are off to Utah for about a month! I'm so excited. Instead of taking the presents to SLC we are going to have our own little Christmas morning tomorrow! Darla must have been a good girl if Santa is coming to our house tomorrow and Crazy Grandma's house on the 25th. :) Erik has just a few more finals to wrap up and then he'll be ready for the last semester of his Masters program. How crazy is that? You can do it Erik - we are so close. For all of you who don't know this . . . Erik is incredible (simply put). Once again I love the month of December.


Kristina said...

ahhh! i just remembered that i forgot your birthday!! i'm terrible, it was right in the middle of finals. well happy belated anyways jinnay! when do you guys leave utah?

Liz said...

I am so glad you got to have a mommy-daughter date! Anna says, "Jenny's blog is so cute, with their pictures of Darla, and their baby with Darla. I love that!" I am so happy that you felt so celebrated. We certainly celebrate you!!!