Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sPoNtAnEoUs and quick

Happy to be with BOTH Grandparents!
Yes, this is Darla. When all the cousins were playing the dress-ups she said to Erik, "Make me cute Dad."
Diaper Party with Rachel
Rachel, Darla and Kate - we LOVE cousins!

Erik's Mom called last week and said that we were needed at home this past weekend. So we arrived in Salt Lake on Saturday afternoon and returned to Minneapolis Monday night. Quick? Yes. Worth it? OF COURSE! (Yes we were able to fit in a quick stop at Cafe Rio) Erik's Dad was made Bishop of their ward and felt that it was important to have his family there. We were happy to able to be there, especially to show off our little Bennett. I never thought I'd be hopping on an airplane three weeks after I had my baby - but when family calls - we are there! If anything it just made us even that much more excited for Christmas time when we will be able to be there for almost a month. Another bonus of the whole trip was that we were able to see my brother Matt who has been in Moldova for the past 2 1/2 years with the Peace Corp. I loved that he was able to meet Darla and Bennett - it meant the world to me actually.
Now we are back to real life after our weekend that ended up feeling like a dream. Seriously I woke up Tuesday morning and felt like I had made up the whole weekend. When we were pulling into our parking lot after the drive home from the airport Darla said, "I see Darla's house! Fun adventure Mom!" It was an adventure. There is nothing like being with/seeing family. We love and miss you all.


w and w said...

How great is that? I sure wish those happened a little more often. So Will's looking into some summer internships out your way, in the heart of Minneapolis. Would that not be a blast. We'll let you know what we find out. Also, are you aware of any Swedish stores in your city or near there. I hear Minnesota is the Swedish hub in the US....perfect! PS, Mind emailing us your digits again. We'd love to call you!

Mindy Williams said...

It was SUCH a fun trip. I was glad to hear that Darla took a nap before the plane ride. Rachel, not so much. She finally closed those sweet little eyes when the wheels touched down, but they were back open when we had to stand up. Man, what a weekend. It was so wonderful to be a part of it. It was great to be with you guys and to hear Erik's sweet blessing for my Dad. Anna wants you to know that she thinks Darla's baby brother is so cute. We can't wait for more of you guys at Christmas! Love you guys and miss you already.

Rachel said...

That sounds like so much fun! I glad you got to see your families! There is a possiblity that we might come to Utah for Christmas. Max's parents said they would give us some $$ to pay for the trek, so we will see if we can make it happen. Maybe we will wait until the night before we leave to make a decision so we can be spontaneous like you guys!

Emily Jane Blewitt said...

I'm jealous! How fun!

Anna said...

Jenny... you never cease to amaze me. You're such an inspiration... you're WHOLE family. :)

Kate said...

wow! a comment is not enough with all that said. i will call you soon:)

brenley said...

how fantastic! what a fun weekend trip!!!!!!! that picture of darla cracks me up!! funny dad!

and i can't wait to see you at christmas! you better believe i will be stealing you away from your family one day (at least!) - can't wait to meet my namesake - hahahahahaha!! i will be feeding him that lie until he's 40! but really, i can't wait to see you and your cute family! miss you like crazy!

Liz said...

Oh, HOW fun! You brave, new mom! What a treat and what a sport you are at the same time :). I adore the way Erik dressed her up. Dads have such a great take on situations.