Other things that have been going on - we have been selling our furniture on craigslist. We've gotten rid of our couch and our LoveSac should be disappearing soon. Good thing people have a need for random pieces. Now we are on the hunt for a nice couch . . . or at least one that will last. Any suggestions on what to look for in a couch?
so i take it the nelsons like rectangular shaped glasses:) too funny! and darla looks as darling as ever - and sooo big! i love her hairdo (much more stylish than a mullet:D). and i am very much craving scotcharoos now! hmmm, how to make them here...
We made sure to invest in a nice-looking couch set that is also a sleeper (to encourage people to come visit us) :)
Bren, that is hilarious about the glasses! Oh man. We'll chat soon.
I hadn't noticed that about the glasses. Funny! As for the couch, all about comfort and whether you can make out on it right? Wait, we are grown up now, so all about if you can take a nice nap on it. And can you get out of it while pregnant?
Couch: one that will withstand permanent pen. Not joking. :) One that all bodily fluids wipes up from easily. Let's see: That leaves stainless steel. Hmm.
What is a scotcharoo? I remember that toy corner from the first time I went with Sara to your (parent's) home. I thought that it was the best idea, having the toys right next to the kitchen.
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