Friday, September 28, 2012

what are these three up to?

So, what have we been up to - well I'll tell you. Darla has started Preschool MWF in the afternoons and LOVE LOVE LOVES it! She is darling and now has some cute bangs. Darla will be 5 in December and to our amazement can read! Much time is spent reading. It was an exciting moment to see Curious George at the Children's Museum. Darla and Bennett have become such good friends. They always say they are going to marry each other. :)
Bennett is 3 and always has a sword in his hand. He is still into Pirates, but seems to be leaning more towards good guys/bad guys type play. Yes, he was sound asleep on the stairs and wears costumes to the train tracks. Doesn't get much better than that. I have loved having time with him while Darla is at preschool. We always find ourselves laughing.
Tate is 11 months in just a couple days! What! I can't believe it. He doesn't crawl, but scoots - you can see his "snail trail" in the pictures above. He is enjoying being able to reach and get into Darla and Bennett's way when they are trying to play or create something. He is the best baby.


Unknown said...

Love the Bangs, Love the snail trail! Love the sword while he sleeps! Cutest kids ever! Miss you guys like crazy.

Kristina said...

HA! Love Tate's marks in the sand and thank you for the aerial view so that we could get appropriate perspective :)

Kate said...

love tate's trail! and love that curious george - A would die to see that!

Jill said...

LOVE your new family picture!