Friday, October 1, 2010


Really? I only posted once last month. Wow. I must be having a lot of fun doing other things beside sitting at my computer uploading pictures. Luckily MN has been giving us a BEAUTIFUL fall. We have had all the time in the world to spend outside. This week especially has been perfect autumn weather. I also am happy to say that am on the third book of The Hunger Games series. For those of you who know me well, know that I don't read all that often. I've greatly enjoyed them thus far. Anxious to see how she ends it all. Erik's busy with school and work (just as I expected) and is doing great at both (just as I expected). But my dear mom was able to come out and visit. Not only did she come to spend time with us, but she let us have a night out of dinner, the broadway musical Wicked, and an over-night.  Wicked of course was and is incredible and the time with Erik, even better.  Darla and I have become the greatest of friends lately. The "Paci Fairy" came the other week and replaced her pacifier with a Tinkerbell Doll. Those first moments that I anticipated to be torturous - the tears and struggles to fall asleep etc - were anything BUT torturous. If anything I feel as though it brought us closer together. I love being her mom. Bennett is a boy. No longer a baby. Where did my baby go? At the playground he is exploring, crawling, and climbing everywhere. He couldn't be happier. Simply - life is grand.


cath said...

finally! a new post. i want to see pics of the fall. miss you.

Kim and Steve said...

October weather is the best!!

Brian and Emily said...

I miss hearing you talk, but heard it in your post. Kinda cool. I love you!

Ang said...

Your kids could make you some bank in baby modeling ads...adorable. They have those cute faces that just make you smile when you see their pics:)