Friday, July 16, 2010

girl and boy

New favorite picture. Just had to share.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Erik John Nelson

I have the best husband. Little tired today - some may call it "a case of the Mondays", but whatever you want to call it - Erik is amazing. He did all the dishes (you should have seen the pile), he vacuumed (upstairs and down), he carried all the laundry downstairs (quite the feat), took the children outside so I could make dinner in peace, and the list goes on and on and on. He's incredible to me. It's no wonder why I chose him.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Ten months. Where does the time go? Bennett is so cheerful. He just hangs out all day long. He is a great napper (we are still working on the nights). He LOVES Darla and is even happier when she is around. He is starting to get up on all fours - soon the movement will happen. He'll get there. He loves to stack things  and knock over towers. He loves the sound of his own voice when he realizes he's somewhere with a nice echo. His hair sticks straight up. There's nothing we can do about it. His eyes are BIG and BLUE. He loves water - whether he is in the tub, at the pool or at a lake. He would eat oatmeal all day long if mom let him - and he also loves the Gerber Lil' Crunchies (Darla calls them his french fries). His laughter fill our ears every day - especially if his big sister is doing something silly. I am IN LOVE with this little boy. I've decided every mom needs a baby boy to love. We love you Bennett.